Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tag Team Intellect

Whilst in Denver enjoying cocktails on the roof of the MCA, I took notice of a flyer I tucked away for future reference. The museum, in a blend of wit and knowledge and seemingly born out of a Dave Eggers publication, hosts Mixed Taste: Tag Team Lectures on Unrelated Topics. The list looks great, so I guess it's no surprise these sell out. I'd be into "Stan Brakhage & Machine Guns," "The Human Genome & Leadbelly," and "Hot Sauce and Jewish Mysticism." Apparently two experts give half hour presentations on their topic and then collaborate on the Q&A. They aren't allowed to draw any parallels about the other topic during lecture - during the later half, apparently "anything can happen."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Denver Are You Ready?

The beloved management of 303 Magazine is chipping me a few bucks toward a dirt cheap Southwest plane ticket, giving me a few assignments to keep busy in Denver for three days and letting me attend their bash at the MCA. My primary assignment in the next three days is to write about five "classic" Denver establishments. After a week of soliciting opinions from interns, perusing online forums and discussing things with my editor, we still hadn't arrived at establishment number five. Until now, that is. White Fence Farm, it is on! Aside from a Disneyland-like map of the place, they have live animals and live music.